ACYPI is the single largest young professional organisation in the Australia-China space.
We are a 100% volunteer-led organisation who is independent, apolitical, and focused on connecting young professionals and entrepreneurs to opportunities in the Australia and China relationship.
Through regular events and initiatives held across Australia and China, we seek to:
Engage our members on policy, industry, cultural and academic themes relevant to Australia and China
Connect our members to like-minded peers through professional networking opportunities across sectors
Empower our members to become future leaders between Australia and China
Our Mission: Through events and initiatives, we aim to promote people-to-people exchange and cultivate cross-cultural literacy among young professionals in Australia and China to help their decision-making as future leaders across sectors.
Our Strategic Pillars
ACYPI events connect young professionals and entrepreneurs interested in the Australia-China space.
We hold regular networking, panel discussions, and professional development events across Australia and China.