中澳青年精英领袖团成立于2010年, 创立初衷是因为中澳两国的青年精英人士在引领双边议题思考方面处于弱势地位。我们还发现,这些年轻人缺少与同城市的志同道合专业人士和创业者们产生连接的频繁机会。
- Lloyd Bradbury, Principal, Head of Asia-Pacific Capital Advisory at Greenhill & Co. Asia Limited
I have had the pleasure to speak at an event for ACYPI on the importance of mental health and wellbeing for young professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congratulations to ACYPI for providing a great community platform for young professionals, interested in the Australia-China space, to connect and engage.
- Georgie Harman, CEO at Beyond Blue
- Vice President, 副总裁,公共投资基金国际投资法律顾问
I have had the pleasure to speak at an event for ACYPI on the importance of mental health and wellbeing for young professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congratulations to ACYPI for providing a great community platform for young professionals, interested in the Australia-China space, to connect and engage.
- Georgie Harman, CEO at Beyond Blue